Why does Hypnotherapy Work So Well?

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When we induce a state of trance we tap taps into our ability to focus on a single idea and to use our imagination. You may not realise this by you have probably already hypnotised yourself, when day-dreaming, or when imagining yourself talking to someone or even when your driving and reached your destination not remembering how you got there.


Sometimes in life, instead of giving ourselves positive messages or imagining positive outcomes, we give ourselves negative messages or imagine disasters. This can negatively affect how we feel, think and behave in day-to-day life. For example, if you think you will not achieve a goal or you cannot handle a situation, you have already defeated yourself. 

Research shows that hypnosis promotes particular brain wave activity that allows the mind to take in and adopt new ideas, while others suggest that hypnosis accesses the 'unconscious mind', which is more open to new ideas than the rational 'conscious mind'. It is also believed that hypnosis indices a deep state of focus and relaxation that helps people overcome their problems.   This is because:

  • Your conscious mind is quieted.
  • You are able to tap into the part of your brain where your thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, sensations, emotions, memory and behaviours originate.
  • In this state, you’re more open to gentle guidance from your hypnotherapist to help you modify or replace the unconscious thoughts that are driving your current behaviour.


Therefore, working with a hypnotherapist means you can identify and undo those negative messages, replacing them with more positive thoughts or imagine more positive outcomes. For example, research into sports coaching has, for some time, known the power of positive imaging. The track athlete who imagines him or herself pushing through the pain barrier and crossing the line ahead of everyone else is going to have a significant edge over another similarly trained athlete, who is worried they can’t do it.

This ability to ‘re-programme’ our minds with positive thoughts is how hypnotherapy can enable us to do extraordinary things. And for some, it may just be ordinary, everyday things. A woman who has not been able to venture out of the house because she is worried she will have a panic attack. The man who is unable to walk past a betting shop without a quick flutter. The teenager who finds themselves hyper-ventilating as soon as they get near the exam room, or going blank when they turn over the exam paper. All these ‘ordinary’ situations can become challenging when people focus and ruminate on the negative. Equally, they can be re-programmed with the help of hypnotherapy.

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