Hypnotherapy for Sports Performance

Hypnosis in sports has therapeutic and performance-enhancing functions. The mental state of athletes during training and competition is said to impact performance.

Achieve Your Goals

Hypnotherapy has been used for many years to help athletes enhance their natural ability, through therapeutic and performance-enhancing functions. The theory behind sports hypnosis is that relaxation is key to improving sporting performance. Athletes may perform better if they are able to relax during practice and competition. This in turn helps them visualise and focus on the task at hand.

Change Your Mindset

People often believe they can only run a certain distance or can only lift so much weight, so, once they reach this target, they stop. This is referred to as a ‘fixed mindset’. Therefore, in order for you to really achieve new goals and progress in your chosen sport, you need to let go of these limitations. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help you let go of your old beliefs and limitations

Prepare for Success

In order to be successful athletes are often able to control their state of mind so they have a psychological advantage, which prevents them from underperforming or giving in to their nerves or fears. This means they can become totally absorbed in what they are doing, barely noticing outside distractions when performing at their best.

Being able to control negative thoughts and emotions is the basis of sports psychology. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy can help to remove negative thoughts or beliefs from your subconscious mind, replacing these with feelings of confidence and self-belief.

For more information of to arrange an Initial Consultation email us or telephone (+44) 07593 809 574

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